
Who We Are

We are an agency started by Ralph Akira Commins and Harrison Smith in 2023 who are located in Sydney, Australia as a way to gain real world experience and escape the usual education led path. We are two like-minded individuals who have knowledge of the technical modern world and the barriers it brings. Our main goal is to assist local businesses to success and higher recognition by connecting them to the modern market.

who we are, working

Our Team

Ralph Akira Commins

Ralph Commins


Creator of Akira Flow and attending Business and Entrepreneurship at TAFE NSW. Born in Australia being half Japanese half Australian. A young mind assisting in leaping companies ahead of the curve in the ever-changing technological world.

Harrison Smith

Harrison Smith


Creator of Akira Flow and attending Mosman High School in year 11. Subjects are business studies, art and design and multi-media. Expertise are in design software, automation and management software. He uses his creative design skills and expansive knowledge of the newest tech to provide an edge to any company.

Interested In Boosting Your Company?

Let’s get in touch! Simply contact us and work with us today.